A classification for complete overdenture based on location of canine coping

Hiroshi Sakurai, DDS,(a) Keii Shou, DDS,(a) Tomohiko Ishigami, DDS, PhD,(a,b) Naoki Tsukimura, DDS, PhD,(a,b) and Tetsuo Ohyama, DDS, PhD(a,b)

(a)Department of Partial Denture Prosthodontics, and (b)Division of Oral and Cranio- maxillofacial Research, Dental Research Center, Nihon University School of Dentistry, Tokyo, Japan

Overdentures were classified into three groups based on the presence/absence of canine copings: Group I, those with a coping on the canine of one side; Group II, those with two copings on both sides of the canine; and Group III, those without any coping on the canines. Three groups were further sub-classified on the basis of number and location of other copings. This classification system (Sakurai Classification) is useful for the arrangement of root caps and designing of magnetically retained overdentures. (Int Chin J Dent 2006; 6: 93-95.)

Key Words: classification, complete denture, coping, overdenture.