One-year clinical evaluation of anterior composite veneered restorations made of the Solidex composite and silver-palladium- copper-gold alloy

Naomi Tanoue, DDS, PhD,(a) Shuichi Mori, RDT,(a) Hidenori Sugawara, DDS, PhD,(b) Hideo Matsumura, DDS, PhD,(c,d) and Hiroyasu Koizumi, DDS, PhD(c,d)

(a)Nagasaki University Hospital of Medicine and Dentistry, Nagasaki, (b)Private Practice, Nagasaki, (c)Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Nihon University School of Dentistry, and (d)Division of Advanced Dental Treatment, Dental Research Center, Nihon University School of Dentistry, Tokyo, Japan

Purpose: The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the clinical performance of composite veneered restorations made of a light-activated composite material and silver-palladium-copper-gold alloy.
Materials and Methods: A total of 52 restorations veneered with the Solidex composite were clinically evaluated using modified USPHS criteria. Color match, veneer-metal interfacial staining, veneer surface texture, wear, and recurrent dental caries were examined. The average observation period was 12 months.
Results: All restorations were judged as Alfa for all categories at baseline. After an observation period of 12 months, the following cases were judged as Bravo; one for color match, two for veneer surface texture, and one for wear. Veneer-metal interfacial staining and recurrent dental caries were not detected.
Conclusion: Within the limitation of the current study, it can be concluded that the Solidex indirect composite is clinically reliable material for use as an anterior veneering agent. (Int Chin J Dent 2006; 6: 105-109.)

Key Words: clinical evaluation, composite, restoration, veneer.